Is Vaccum Space Really Vaccum ? : Introduction to Quantum vaccum state

Space in physics is a all pervading reality,space permeates the entire Universe.   All particles,all bodies ,animate or inanimate bodies all within the space and everything we can imagine is within this fabric of space . 

But a  question arises in the minds of scientists that " Is the space really empty ?"

" Is vaccum space  really empty ?" 

So in order to answer this question physicists modeled a theory which is called as " Quantum vacuum state " .                           This theory was proposed by physics working on the model of  " Q .E .D"(Quantum  Electro Dynamics )  . 

The model of " Quantum vaccum state " was proposed during 1930s and during 1940s .

The notion of " Quantum vaccum " was suggested by Scientist Warner Heisenberg who stated that  the general idea about space being empty is not true ,because there is nothing like " absolute vaccum"(empty space). Rather in a localised point in a region of space ,we can trace  sudden or rapid changes in the energy.                                          According to Proposal of Heisenberg  ,the notion of empty space is falsifiable as according to him there is constant - sudden changes in the vaccum state of existence and these small scale changes in a vaccum state creates " Quantum Fluctuations" .

     Quantum physicist Werner Heisenberg 

These " Quantum Fluctuations" are nothing but rapid changes in the energy in any field of space ,which creates " Quantum Foam" ,this quantum foam is nothing but small scale fluctuations in the energy in a field in space time . This quantum fluctuations are so minute and subtle that they constant created pairs of matter and antimatter which constantly annihilates each other at quantum level and physicsts call these highly unstable particles which comes from this quantum fluctuations in vaccum  or in a "  zero point energy field" as " Virtual particles " . The term " zero point field " invoked the idea about a field of vaccum which is in a very low state of energy level which in small scales creates fluctuations ,thus giving rise to these virtual particles . 

        Simulated image of " Quantum Foam " 

" Derek Leinweber" a physicst and professor of " Adelaide University" using a super computer simulated an simulation of the phenomena of " quantum fluctuations" in a region of space .

  Derek Leinweber, professor of Adelaide           University, researcher of Quantum field           theory, who simulated the "quantum               fluctuations " using super computer 

     Simulation of Quantum Fluctuations in          Quantum vaccum state ,( simulation                 created by prof .  Derek Leinweber) 

So , we can say that Vaccum is not empty rather vaccum is full of small scaled random fluctuations of electromagnetic and other force fields ,which creates virtual particles and particles and manifest reality as we know it from its zero point energy field. 



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