Conscious - subconscious - unconscious: Three states of human mind

 Reality is what we perceive constantly day and night ,without any rest continuously. Our reality is what we see ,smell ,touch, feel,hear through these these five senses which are eyes ,nose ,tongue,skin,ears .        These five senses bring to us the necessary external stimulations in the form of nerve currents . I have already discussed how these nerve currents arises in the cell membrane of nerve cells due to difference in quantity of positive ions on each side ( both on the outside and inside of membrane ) and creates potential difference ,thus electricity gets flown through from one nerve ending which are called as " dendrites" to another nerve cell . This is the process how nerve currents created due to chemicals in the body ,thus the nature of this electricity produced in nerve cells is " Bio- chemical" . 

      Electrical impulses through nerve cells 

Hence ,we see this electricity gets flown through the nerves ,just like how currents gets flown through conducting wires in a electrical circuit . This process of neural electricity getting propagated across the human body through brain and spinal chord to different parts ( organs ) ,propagating through motor neurons which controls the contraction and expansion of muscles which are both voluntary and involuntary in their mechanisms .  Involuntary muscles are cardiac muscles( Heart)  and muscles of lungs and muscles which help in digestion(pancreas ,stomach ) in human body. Involuntary muscles work unconsciously in the human body and we work through them day and night without any  conscious effort .                                Where as  voluntary muscles are well within our conscious efforts and we can work through them at will . Voluntary muscles are skeletal muscles of our body . 

A fact we should keep in mind that these muscles irrespective whether they are voluntary or involuntary always works through the process of contraction and expansion i.e motion .                                        It is the "motion "which  manifests itself as  both " contraction " and " expansion " of these muscles .                                                  But the " degree of motion " varies which creates these functions of the muscles for both voluntary and involuntary. 

            Voluntary - involuntary muscles 

In case of human heart which is involuntary the motion of the cardiac muscle is rhythmic. Also for lung, the muscles are rhythmic  is nature i.e the motion of the lungs which enables the air to propagate through the body has a constant rate of motion naturally . But we know that while doing breathing exercise the rate of motion increases or decreases but this  changes in motion of the lungs lasts only during the practice ,but after that we do breathing again like before , unconsciously. 

Just like that ,after we eat food consciously ,the food goes to digestive tracks and from there foods become a liquid and from that blood is produced ,but we are not aware of the process ,hence it happens unconsciously. 

So ,by these facts we can conclude that most of the important processes in our body happens unconsciously. 

Nerve current's motion ,motion of lungs, motion of heart ,motion of digestive muscles all are unconsciously done by us ,and thats how nature has made us . 

All our reality is mostly unconscious , conscious reality is rare . 

There are three levels of the mind which are : conscious, subconscious and unconscious.

      Conscious -subconscious- unconscious 

Subconscious is the state where our deepest of emotions ,feelings,fears  and memories are buried . This subconscious state is what creates the " dream world " during sleep .

But this process of dream is also unconsciously done by us because during dream we hardly know that we are dreaming . The notion of " I" ceases during dream and our brain act and react to those dreams without being conscious. 

In sleep our mind brings out the suppressed motions from our subconscious planes and project them outward in sleep ,which we call as " dreams" 

   Brain activity during sleep-awakwn state

All the works we done day and night consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously are what creates our "reality".

But conscious, subconscious and unconscious are not three minds ,they are all manifestations of one mind. Hence we as humans always switches between these states of our own minds from conscious to subconscious to unconscious. 

One fact which is unknown to psychologists is that during dreamless deep sleep state why we do not feel our body ? during deep sleep where our " ego " goes ? Why we do not feel our body in deep sleep ? Where is the perception of the body goes during deep sleep ?    These questions are mystery . 

          Brain waves during all phases 

Hence we see that sensory organs,the brain and vital organs only work consciously when there is " ego" ( I - ness) working through us . Without "ego " we can not work consciously or even subconsciously because dreams are also our mental constructs i.e during dreams the ego is working still but in a lesser intense way  compared to conscious works . 

So by concluding all this phenomenas we can say that " Mind " is the cause of our reality and its different states which are conscious, subconscious and unconscious create out perception of the external world and internal world . 



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