Chakras In Kundalini Yoga and their Significance In Human Body
"Chakra " means moving wheel , wheel or circle . .But " Chakra "in ancient yogic practices suggests the idea of various focal planes of consciousness , generally comes from the traditions of "Hindu Sanatani Dharma" . The description of chakras and their functions in Kundalini yoga is mentioned in "Vivek Chudamani Upanishad " written by Adi Shankaracharya.
the descriptions of chakra also can be found in Buddhism and Jainism as well which knowledge has been propagated and handed down by Gurus and Sanyasi and spiritualists for eons .
There are majorly seven chakras in the Human body system which in order from lower position to higher position are:
1. Muladhara chakra (Root Chakra): This chakra located at the base of the spine , near the coccygeal plexus , beneath the sacrum , precisely between perineum and the coccyx or tail bone.
Because of the location and the connection with the act of excretion , it is associated with the anus or genital for both male and female. Muladhara is said to be a major center of sexual functions in human body system ,so its related with reproduction and sex. In yogic practices Muladhara is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and the colour is pink or red . The Center syllable is "LAM" in Sanskrit. The four petals bears the Sanskrit letters 'va','scha','sha',' sa'. Muladhara represents the element" Earth" . This Chakra said to be the abode of lord "Brahma ",four headed and four arms, who is the lord of creation of material realm in which all types of life resides. On a metaphysical level this root chakra contains the primordial inconceivable energy which is called "Adi Shakti " or "Adi Para Shakti " which is a auspicious source of creative and sustainable energy. An overactive Muladhara chakra can cause fear, anxiety , depression , mood swings and incontrollable sexual cravings.
2. Swadhishthana chakra (Sacral chakra) :This chakra located at the sacrum which is at the base of the lumbar vertebrae which is connected to the pelvis. The sacrum is said to be the source sexual response . According to Swami Vivekananda that the nerve center around sacrum is the is the seat of the generative substance for sex. This chakra controls the subconscious desires mainly sexual desires and sensations like taste and also reproduction. The sacrum is also related with the production of hormones ' and also controls the parasympathetic nervous system . The chakra symbolized with Lotus with six petals with a colour vibrant orange colour with Sanskrit letters 'ba','bha','ma','ya',and' la '.The seed sound for this is "VAM". The element is "Water" related with this chakra. This Chakra is said to be the abode of lord "Vishnu" who is said to be the representation of preserving nature of Universe and represents Cosmic consciousness and there in the chakra is a crescent moon whose reflection lies on the plane of the tranquil and still water surface. One who meditates on this chakra gains the ability to balance the senses and the sensual pleasures . When the meditator meditates only the Muladhara chakra and imagine a "Lingam " coiled up by a serpent in three and half circles around it and when one channelize the "Pranic" air through ida and pingla Nadi along left and right nostril ,agitates the sleeping serpent and the serpent then starts ascending upwards through the Sushumna Nadi which connects all the lotus centres or chakras till it reaches the shahastra chakra located above the Brahman Nadi. Here , Lingam represents the consciousness or "Purusha shakti"( masculine energy) and the serpent as Kundalini shakti ( Feminine Energy)and the intimate union between them produce fire like sensation which can be felt during the practice of Kundalini Yoga and the sensation grows stronger as it reaches the sacral chakra .
3. Manipura ( Navel chakra): This is the third chakra along Sushumna Nadi ,above the Sacral chakra. This is located behind the navel ,deeply situated on the spinal column in a subtle form . This chakra also called as "Solar Plexus chakra". In the endocrine system , Manipura is said to be associated with the panaceas and the adrenal glands ( adrenal cortex ). These glands creates important hormones involved in digestion ,converting food into energy for the body .Since this chakra is related with the idea of Sun giving necessary vital life force that is prana which channelizes through various energy points ,it is also called as Solar Plexus. The seed sound to activate this chakra is "RAM". The God " Rudra" ( one of the avatar of Lord Shiva ,who wears ornaments with a bow in his hand ,depicted as a hunter ,who grants all wishes of a pure heart and symbolized as a destructor of fear) resides in this chakra as his abode. This chakra has ten petals and the letters which represents these ten petals are "da","dha","na","ta","tha","da" "dha" ,"na","pa", and "pha". The center of the lotus is depicted as a burning fire and this "Fire" element is the tattva for this chakra . The center of the lotus has a red triangle inside which the seed sound that is "RAM" resides. when the Kundalini rises up to this particular chakra one can feel a sense of warmth or a sensation of heat behind their navel. Manipura above the navel from Sanskrit as "city of gems". In classical tantra is it depicted as blue and red In Nath tradition and generally as yellow.
4. Anahata chakra( Heart chakra): According to Hindu yogic , Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions in Sanskrit ," Anahata" means "unhurt", "unstruck "and "unbeaten" . Anahata chakra said to be seated deeply inside ones heart and to activate this chakra one has to be compassionate about others and animals ,he should speak truth and should be knowledgeable enough to discriminate between w hat is real and what is not . only who loves other unconditionally can have a access of this chakra. the associated sounds or frequencies related with the twelve petals of the lotus of this chakra are " kam","kham","gam'"gham","ngam", "cam","cham","jam","jham","njam","tam "and "tham". This chakra resides at the middle of the spinal column. This chakra is the intersection of two upward and downward moving triangle having six corners and other six chakras are equally distributed along spinal column ,having the heart chakra situated at the middle ,represents the idea of occupation of possibilities of both the three baser and three subtler chakras. Shloka 22 of "Shat Chakra Nirupanam "describes the location and shape of Anahata chakra which says: "Above the manipuraka chakra in the heart lies Anahata chakra shining with the colour of 'Bandhuka' flower ..This chakra provides a seeker a kalpa vriksha( wish fulfilling tree) . Here lies the mandala ( a cyclical pattern)of Vayu( air or wind )with shatkona (six corners )." the seed sound or 'Anahata Naad' is "YAM". Lord Shiva with four head is the representation of this chakra. The four head represents the four directions which are east, west, north ,south sending the divine love and compassion everywhere .The form of lord Shiva in this chakra is called "Isha " who is the embodiment of lord's divine love. One who activates Anahata becomes lovable to everybody , wins over senses( Jitendriya) and becomes capable of high levels of concentration . He becomes "Yogishah"( lord of Yoga) and becomes "Jnanisaha"( lord of knowledge) and also gains the capability of entering the other bodies at will. this chakra often linked with the colour " green".
5. Vishuddha chakra ( Throat chakra): this chakra is the fifth chakra and lies deep within the throat in a subtle way and depicted as lotus having sixteen petals with colour "smoky purple" The sounds associated with the petals are "am',"Am","im","Im"," um", "Um", "Rm',"RRm","IRm","IRRm","Em","aim","Om","OUm","aha","aham" . The seed sound to activate this chakra is " HAM". The chakra is a abode of the form "Ardhanarishwar"( half of lord Shiva and half of shakti) which represents the union of Kundalini shakti with Shiva that is purusha ( the masculine energy) and from that union the Space manifested which is called "Akasha". Akasha or space element is the unmanifested form of the energy , this is where all the manifestations gets dissolved after destruction and from this Akasha the universe was born . Akasha conclude every manifestation inside it and even if it seem that there is some degree of manifestation ,the Akasha is present there in a subtle state. One who meditates on this chakra gains wisdom , power of speech , clarity in thought and gains the ability to see future and creates incredible devotion for God. He who meditates on this chakra gets free from the ignorance and only wishes to talk about God and his glory.
6. Ajna chakra( Third-Eye chakra) : This is the two petaled chakra . One petal represents has 'HAM" written on it which represents Shiva and another petal is "KSHAM ". And the seed sound for this chakra is" AUM". In Hinduism is said to be that "AUM" is the God himself and this the Sound when Universe started .The Chakra contains a triangle which resides in the pericarp of the lotus and downward pointing triangle above the the" Hakini" shakti is a "white lingam ". One who meditates on this chakra will get saddit power, can quickly enter the another body at will and become omniscience. Some traditions also linked Agya or Ajna chakra with the 'Pineal gland" which releases the chemical DMT( Dimethayltriptamine) which can cause someone to go beyond body and mind and give them a blissful state, which also have been extensively demonstrated by scientists and we have conclusive evidence about it.
7. Shahasrara chakra ( Crown chakra): This is the last Chakra and this chakra lies above ones crown area . This is thousand petaled chakra with multi colour and "AUM" is the seed sound for this chakra. Lord Shiva resides in this chakra and here the Kundalini energy unites with Shiva and the meditator experience a divine energy. Sometimes one feels a bright white light in the crown chakra and sometimes consciousness leaves the body at will. But, in Vedic texts very less is written about this chakra and its experiences .
So, these are the Chakras inside human body system , though so many philosophers and spiritualists suggests that these chakras are just a metaphysical aspect of oneself and they do not have physical existence. Modern Science can't prove their existence as these chakras are subtle in nature , hence we should think them as metaphysical realities , rather than gross aspects.
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