Swami Vivekananda About Kundalini Yoga and about it's science
Swami Vivekananda was one of most influential and most remembered spiritual teacher of 19th century in India and globally, discussed thoroughly about kundalini yoga and science behind its practice .
Vivekananda's works on spirituality and humanism are still inspiring youths across the globe and will continue to thrive among masses .
This spiritual giant ,Vivekananda taught humanity how to serve the masses and how to propagate brotherhood irrespective of cast, creed , name ,belongings and how to transcend the suffering of people by using the language of love.
Swamiji was a self realized soul and he went beyond the limitations of the body and mind and he showed the humanity how go to beyond the fears, insecurities and attachments with worldly affairs only to realize the soul which dwells deep in every person . The self or Aatman which is the essence of the soul according to vedantic philosophies ,stays in every human being but stays behind the veil of ignorance which causes us the suffering and projects a false reality which called as maya or illusion.
Swami Vivekananda showed us the spiritual technique which help us to realize our soul in his book " Raja Yoga " . Now i am going to discuss his views on kundalini yoga in his book Raja Yoga .
swamiji says "There are two currents passing through the brain and circulating down the spine ,crossing at the base and returning to the brain .One of these currents, called "Sun"( pingla ),starts from the left hemisphere of the brain ,crosses at the base to the right side of the spine ,and recrosses at the base of the spine ,like one half of the figure eight .The other current, the "Moon"(ida),reverses this action and completes this figure eight. These currents flow day and night and make deposits of the great life forces at different points ,commonly known as "plexuses"; we are rarely conscious of them.
Ida and pingla Nadi along spinal chord of human body By concentration we can learn to feel them and trace them over all parts of the body .these "sun" and "moon "currents are intimately connected with breathing ,and by regulating this we get control of the body .We must give a new direction to the "Sun "and 'Moon "currents and open for them a new passage through the centre of the spinal cord . When we succeed in bringing the currents through this passage called "Sushumna",up to the brain ,we are for the time being separated entirely from the body.
The nerve Centre at the base of the spine near the sacrum is the seat of the generative substance of the sexual energy and is symbolized by yogi as a triangle containing a tiny serpent coiled up in it .
This sleeping serpent is called kundalini and to raise this kundalini is the whole object of Raja Yoga ".
"This Sushumna is closed, and for the ordinary man is of no use ,for he works through the ida and pingla only. Currents are continually going down and coming up through these nerves ,carrying orders all over the body through other nerves running to the different organs body.
The task before us is vast, and first and foremost ,we must seek to control the vast mass of sunken thoughts which have become automatic with us. The evil deed is no doubt on the conscious plan ;but the cause which produced by the evil deed was far beyond in the realms of the unconscious ,unseen, and therefore more potent. This is the first part of the study, the control of the subconscious .
The next is to go beyond the conscious .So ,therefore, we see now that there must be twofold work.
first , by proper working of the ida and pingla ,which are the two existing ordinary currents ,to control the subconscious action ,and ;secondly ,to go beyond the consciousness.
He alone is the Yogi who, after the long practice in self -concentration ,has attained to this truth .
The Sushumna now opens and a current which never before entered into this new passage will find its way into it ,and gradually ascend to the different lotus centres ,till at last it reaches the brain.
then the yogi becomes conscious of what he really is ,God Himself".
so this his thoughts and explanations on kundalini yoga and we can tell he is precise about it.
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