Kundalini yoga in ancient India and it's Science


Ancient  sanatani practice kundalini yoga 

kundalini yoga is ancient practice in Hindu sanatan dharma which dates back almost 11th century ,but the term Tantrasadbhava tantra which is the fundamental concept dates back to 8th century .

The Yoga Kundalini Upanishad ,which is a minor Upanishad of  Hinduism also mentioned this practice .

Kundalini the word essentially signifies the latent female energy which lie coiled at the base of spine which is the sacral region of spine ,which also called as sacrum and believed to be abode of lord Vishnu in  yogic practices .The Muladhara Chakra or the Root Chakra is the primary chakra out of seven chakras of  the human body. Muladhara Chakra is the abode of lord Brahma which signifies the potent energy which males uses for procreation of a new life . Kundalini is a primordial energy which exists in all living beings but animals are not conscious about its existence hence their life based upon instincts or called janma jyat prabitti Only human can be conscious of its existence and can give this energy a proper direction and open up some new dimensions of life. Though kundalini is a dormant energy but it has a tremendous power to change ones perception about life .

now lets talk about how to channelize this energy to become spiritual in life. Firstly , we have to purify our nerves which is called NADI SHUDDHI  or nerve purification and channelize this energy through a new passage which called Sushumna nadi  which is the hollow space in spinal columns and runs straight up the length of  spinal chord and this nadi is  subtle  in nature and this is the central nadi .

Along with Sushumna nadi  there are also two major nadis which are Pingla nadi  and  Ida nadi .

Pingla Nadi is located along the right nostril and signifies the Sun energy and this related with intellect ,reasoning and ida  signifies moon energy  runs along left nostril and related with emotions .  and breath connects this all nerves which is the pran vaayu and if we channelize the pranic air using pingla and ida through the hollow space of sushmna upto the brain ,we are for the time being entirely detached from the body and mind and realise the true nature of soul which is Aatman and connect our soul with the cosmic eternal bliss that is Brahman . This is the whole vision for ancient yogis in India  and still being practiced by people in modern times .

Hope ,You Readers liked my blog thanks for reading.  


  1. hope you guys like my post share this knowledge to others who practice this yoga and more wonderful blogs are coming


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