
Showing posts from January, 2023

Central Quest in philosophy: existence of Soul

 What is soul? Is it the body ? Is it the mind ? Is it an abstract idea in the mind ? Is it an feeling of the experiencer? Or is it apart from the daily experiences of our lives?  Is it Material or is it metaphysical ?  Is the soul confined in  some organ of the body like human heart or brain or elsewhere?  Or is the soul simply an outcome of esoteric religion and spirituality?  First we have to understand these questions   in order to understand the hidden aim behind this . These questions are asked again and again by philosophers around the globe from all ages and still to this day this central quest in the search for existence of the Soul remains as important as before.  All esoteric religions in the past be it Christianity , Taoism or in  Upanishadic texts this central question " what is soul ? " is there .  Though some religions do not seek for the existence of Soul like Buddhism , charvaka , Jainism and only asked existential question about ones's being like "